Excellence University Blog

WATER Tip: Well-defined Vision

by Dr. Brian Higley

December 26th, 2010

Well-defined visions are supported by a clear understanding of a team’s primary objectives and a strong appreciation for these objectives. One indication of a well-defined vision is a team-wide feeling of being challenged to improve regularly (which can result in a feeling of forward-movement and decreased levels of boredom), while avoiding taking on too much challenge at one time (resulting in feelings of being overwhelmed).

If there is confusion, lack of appreciation for a team’s objectives, boredom, or constant team-wide anxiety, it may be due to a poorly defined vision.  If there are feelings of being bored or overwhelmed, it may be due to too few or too many challenging objectives taken on at once.  It may also be due to a team whose members have not yet taken the time to be clear about the team’s objectives or who do not truly appreciate the importance of the objectives.

NOTE TO THOSE USING THE MISSION FULFILLMENT SYSTEM A common indicator of a Well-defined Vision is clarity about and deep appreciation for a team’s primary objectives.  Your system helps with defining the vision via a combination of clear objectives on the Plan Tab and high “Go-Active %” scores (scores of 80 and above) on the Progress/People subtab.  This subtab is located to the left of the Progress/People subtab on the upper left-hand side of the main Progress Tab (Go-Active % scores are located on the far right-hand side of the screen, and are displayed as bar graphs).

FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT ON THE MISSION FULFILLMENT SYSTEM: Click here to for more information and click here to sign up.

FINAL NOTE: If you were linked to this article by a video or email, please return to that link and proceed with any other instructions that you deem helpful.

Article Filed under: 1. WATER Game Scorecard Tips

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