Interpersonal Expertise Tip: Affirming Similar Core Values
by Dr. Brian Higley | 2 comments
In order to have a truly satisfying relationship with other people we must know our core values (ways of thinking or behaving that we do not want to compromise on) and be able to identify and affirm these values in important others. Having a clear idea of these values helps us and those around us to better know whether or not we can expect to have a smooth relationship or one that will consistently experience dissatisfying “road bumps.” This Interpersonal Expertise Tip focuses on identifying core values in ourselves and others – and how affirm these values in ways that strengthen relationships.
Core values can be affirmed by becoming clear about our own values and helping others do the same. If this is done thoroughly, the chances that we will be able to affirm similarities goes up significantly (longer lists of core values makes it more likely that at least one core value from each person’s list will overlap). Here are some ways people have been able to affirm similar core values: (more…)