Excellence University Blog

Archive for August 17th, 2006

August 17th, 2006

Tom Peters’ Bold Ideas

by John Spence | 1 comment

Tom’s Necessity for Boldness
Five Bold Objectives

In an Office Solutions article, Tom rants: I am an avowed incrementalist. Try, test, and experiment are among my favorite words. I still fervently believe that a pragmatic, incrementalist approach to progress is sound. But I also believe the visions to which we aspire must be grand ones. Not so much because inspiring visions are superb motivators, which they are, but because we must markedly pick up the pace of change in our businesses. If we don’t, we face the prospect of a permanently reduced standard of living.


August 17th, 2006

How to Build a Strong Training / Professional Speaking Business

by John Spence | Add comment

  1. First you will need to get a VERY clear idea of exactly what you are trying to achieve. What, specifically do you want to do with your business? What will you offer? How many clients, what sort of clients, what sort of classes, how much travel are you willing to do, to where, how much revenue do you honestly want to generate, how much time do you want to work each week, what price are you willing to pay to succeed? You cannot be all things to all people—you need a laser-like focus on where you know you can hit home runs. You also have to decide what you really want—so you know what to say “No” to. You can get a lot of input about these questions from key folks around you that you respect and trust—but at some point you MUST put a stake in the ground and fully commit to a focused course of action. I would also add – that the only way you will ever be truly successful – is if you LOVE what you do. So it is a combination of picking something you really love that is fun for you, that you can do very well, that is also a topic that is highly valued in the market place. If you do not have ALL three of those, you will not be able to build a strong business.
  2. (more…)

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