Excellence University Blog

The “Journey Into Excellence” Radio Podcast Series (Episode 5)

by Dr. Brian Higley

July 5th, 2019

I was recently a panelist on the fifth episode of Journey Into Excellence, a radio podcast series focused on the promotion of evidence-based life, liberty, and happiness pursuit. This series is focused on the promotion of clear thinking and civility in our family, education, and leadership/management systems. Below is a brief overview of Episode 5 of the series (click on this link to listen to the episode: Journey into Excellence – Episode 5). Please feel free to (a) have a listen to it, (b) send it to anyone who you believe might enjoy/benefit from it, and/or (c) provide any feedback about the show you would like to provide in the comments section below:

Journey Into Excellence (Episode 5)

Journey Into Excellence is a monthly radio podcast series with a panel of experts in leadership, management, sales, psychology, personal effectiveness, and life satisfaction. The focus of the series is an evidence-based exploration into how the optimal pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness requires both clear thinking and civility within our family, education, and leadership/management systems.

In our previous four episodes, we have focused on how logical fallacies are common barriers to clear-thinking and and how reducing them can lead to more civility (and excellence).  In this, our fifth episode, we begin a four part journey into differences between parenting, educating, and leading from an equality/civility approach versus control/abuse approach using the models known as the Civility Wheel and and the Abuse Wheel (and continuing to clarify the role of clear-thinking in promoting civility over abuse).  Throughout the show, our panelists will (as usual) provide listeners with specific methods of promoting happy and healthy families, satisfying and useful educational experiences, and profitable and helpful organizations in evidence-based ways.

Our regular panelists are:

Jack Malcolm: President of the Falcon Performance Group, an organization dedicated to improving the professionalism, preparation, and productivity of sales professionals in the complex-sale environments. For more on Jack, visit: http://jackmalcolm.com/about-jack/

John Spence: One of the top business thought leaders and leadership development experts in the world who has done extensive work on business and personal excellence, has written several books on the topic, blogs regularly on these topics, has been a TedX speaker, and regularly produces seminars on business leadership skills. For more on John, visit: https://johnspence.com/johns-bio/

Martin Heesacker Ph.D.: Dr. Heesacker is a professor of psychology at the University of Florida. He has served as chair of UF’s Department of Psychology, as well as numerous other boards and committees, and is a highly published author in many scientific journals. For more on Marty, visit: http://martin-heesacker.squarespace.com/brief-biography/

Brian P. Higley Ph.D.: Dr. Higley is President and CEO of The Building Blocks to Excellence, LLC, a company that focuses on promoting team excellence, personal effectiveness and work/life satisfaction in individuals, teams, and organizations. Dr. Higley has worked with a wide range of organizations, has served as an executive coach to individuals across a variety of industries, and has taught psychology at colleges and universities across the nation. For more on Brian, visit: http://www.thebuildingblockstoexcellence.com/history.php#higley

Article Filed under: The Journey Into Excellence Radio Podcast Series

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